IC-35 Premium Isolation Cones — LampizatOr North America

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IC-35 Premium Isolation Cones

IC-35 Premium Isolation Cones are manufactured from a sophisticated and revolutionary polymer with unique anti-vibration and damping capabilities.

IC-35 Premium, similarly to IC-35, absorb and suppress mechanical energy and resonances accumulated inside the equipment chassis and isolate them from external vibrations and supporting surfaces. However, the addition of base cups introduces the new level of natural performance and protects the surface from unnecessary scratches.

They are designed to support all kinds of audio components, such as amplifiers, pre-amplifiers, integrated amplifiers, CD/SACD players, DACs, Music Servers, power supplies, power distributors, etc.

IC-35 Premium Isolation Cones will unleash the potential of any audio device. The listener gets deeper into the recording and feels the natural energy flow of performing muscians. Premium Isolation Cones have been designed to provide immersive experience during long sessions.


Set: 3 Cones and 3 Bases

Height: 35mm

Base Diameter: 40mm

Cone Diameter: 35mm

Max load: 50kgs/set


Due to its unique structure and composition, the material is prone to scratches, which does not impact sonic performance.

Under heavy loads the tip of the cone may get slightly reshaped, which does not impact sonic performance of IC-35 Premium
