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Amber 5 DAC

While our DACs have been universally celebrated as supreme values for the money, the Amber is our effort to bringthe lions share of the famous LampizatOr sound to a price range real people can afford.

Following our huge efforts to create the Baltic-3 and the Pacific DAC we gained enough knowhow and confidence to redesign the Amber DAC from ground up, and offer an entirely new product. Circa around November 25th 2021 we start shipping Amber-4, while technical necessities caused us to phase out Amber-3 entirely.

We are very proud of this DAC, and the fact that at an entry level price we can outperform any competitor known to us. This DAC gives joy and bliss in spades.

Some other highlights are: copper output caps, CLC power filter with tube rectifier 6X5, true balanced option, volume control option, full analog preamp of very high quality, USB operation of the highest caliber, newly designed muting to avoid pops and clicks in computer operation, and many many more.

from $5,150.00